Boussingaultite in its natural form is a rare type of (Magnesium) sulphate mineral from hydrothermal veins. However the Boussingaultite described in this article are laboratory grown to the exact chemical formula of natural Boussingaultite, being (NH4) 2 Mg (SO4)2 . 6 (H2O).
The frequency of the various coloured types of Boussingaultite connect to the chakra with a corresponding colour.
Red tones – the base chakra for issues of support, security and safety. Physical vitality and strength.
Orange tones – the sacral chakra for issues of creativity and a passion for life experiences.
Turquoise blue tones – the throat chakra for issues both physical and relating to communication, truth and expression.
Bousingaultite helps to balance the energy of one’s chakric system and due to the high water content, the energy of the Boussingaultites will act on the emotional body and can help to support emotional healing.