Crystal Clusters
Crystal Clusters are natural crystalline formations radiating energy in all directions. Crystal Clusters bring forth an energy of group awareness which is perfect for the Aquarian Age.....
African Quartz Crystal Clusters from Zambia, Madagascar and Red Quartz from Morocco.
Amethyst clusters from Uruguay and Brazil. Amethyst clusters will radiate energy and can be used to help protect energy fields and the environment from negativity...
Apophyllite clusters from India both clear and green Apophyllite. Apophyllite is a Crystal for Multi-Dimensional Awareness...
Aura Crystal Clusters are beautiful enhanced Quartz. Aura Crystals clusters including Aqua Aura, Angel Aura, Titanium Aura, Tanzine Aura, Imperial Gold Aura and Smokey Gold Aura
Celestite clusters from Madagascar. Celestite clusters have a high vibrational energy aiding higher dimensional and angelic connection..........
Citrine clusters from Brazil. Citrine clusters in beautiful hues from pale golden yellow to deep golden brown...
Clear Quartz clusters from Brazil and Arkansas. Clear Quartz clusters radiate energy in all directions and can be used to raise the vibrational energy within their surrounding environments ...
Spirit Quartz Clusters with Amethyst, Citrine and Smokey Quartz. Spirit Quartz connects to the "group consciousness" so that one can feel connected to the whole of humanity...
Tangerine Quartz Clusters. Tangerine Quartz is an pale to deep tangerine orange toned type of Quartz...