Brandenberg Quartz aka Brandberg Quartz is a form of Quartz, a silicon dioxide mineral. It is often found as a combination of Amethyst, Smokey Quartz and Clear Quartz. The colour varies depending on the base Quartz, being either purple toned, smokey brown toned or clear, or as a combination of the three. It is from the Brandberg region of Namibia, South Africa.
The frequency of Brandenberg Quartz connects to all of the chakras. It helps to cleanse and purify all of one’s chakric system and energy fields.
The high vibrational energy of Brandenberg Quartz opens one’s consciousness to the higher dimensions to bring forth knowledge and wisdom that will help one to move forward on one’s souls’ path.
The “Light” energy of Brandenberg Quartz brings one’s energy fields into alignment and then grounds the energy to the magnetic core of the Earth, thus allowing for the integration of energy on all levels of one’s being.