
Heart-Centred Awareness

Prehnite is a calcium aluminium silicate, the colour is usually yellow/green to pale green but can be yellow, white or colourless.

The frequency of Prehnite connects to the solar plexus and heart chakras.

Prehnite allows one to use one’s willpower with a heart centred awareness so that one’s actions are in alignment to one’s heart and thus one acts with love, kindness and compassion.

Prehnite can open one’s heart centre to receive guidance from one’s soul and higher dimensional beings. Its energy is nurturing and thus helps one to become calm and centred, bringing an inner peace which can aid with issues of nervousness and worry.

The energy of Prehnite can help to purify one’s physical body of toxins and urinary infections.

Associated Chakras
  • Solar Plexus
  • Heart
Physical Ailment
  • Detoxification
  • Urinary Infection
Emotional Issue
  • Worry
Spiritual Connection
  • Communication - Higher Dimensions
  • Soul Connection
Price: £1.60
From: £1.95
From: £1.05