Seraphinite is a variety of Clinochlore which is a hydrous magnesium iron aluminium silicate. It is only found in Siberia. Characterized by patterns of dark green and a lighter silvery/green, that “shimmer” in certain light.
Seraphinite is named after the highest order of the Angelic Realm, the Seraphim, thus signifying one of it’s properties that of Angelic connection.
The frequency of Seraphinite is connected to all of the physical chakras, and aids in clearing blocked energy which will allow energy to flow freely and thus aiding with self healing and cellular regeneration.
Seraphinite helps one to acknowledge and release emotional energetic beliefs and patterns that are no longer serving one.
Seraphinite connects to the Angelic realms allowing for a communication to be set up which allows for guidance and knowledge to be brought forth from the higher dimensions, to aid in the healing of all of one’s being.