Tigers Eye is a pseudomorphic crystal where silica, silicon dioxide, has replaced Crocidolite – a form of fibrous asbestos and thus is a member of the Quartz group. It exhibits the property of chatoyancy, the reflection of light within the fibrous matrix. The colour range is yellow gold /brown, red, blue to blue/black.
The frequency of golden Tigers eye connects to the solar plexus, sacral and base chakras stimulating these chakras. It allows one to take positive action in a balanced manner. It helps to ground and balance one’s energy fields, bringing a strength and stamina to one’s physical, and aiding metabolism and hormonal balance.
Red Tigers Eye is a form of golden Tigers Eye that has be exposed to heat changing the colour range and thus has a stronger resonance to the base chakra, its energy supporting one so that one’s feels safe and secure in one’s physical vehicle and increases one’s vitality.
Blue Tigers Eye, from the blue variety of Crocidolite, has a strong connection to the third eye chakra, increasing one insight and intuitive skills and bringing clarity of thought to one’s actions.
All the coloured varieties of Tigers Eye help one to understand duality and the polarities within one’s being, such as the light, positive and dark, negative emotional states of awareness, and helps to bring a these energies into balance.