Sauralite Azeztulite is the name given to a newly discovered form of Azeztulite from New Zealand. It is a white to off-white Quartz varying in form and appearance to include druzy clusters and/or honeycomb-like masses.
Like all Azeztulites, Sauralite emanates the pure Nameless Light energy of the Great Central Sun and also the pure vital energy of Mother Earth.
The frequency of Sauralite Azeztulite connects to all of the personal and transpersonal chakras, opening all of the chakric column so that the high vibrational energy travels down through the chakras and into Mother Earth. At the same time, the energy of Mother Earth travels up through the Earth Star and base chakras.
The energy of Sauralite Azeztulite cleanses and purifies all of one’s chakras and energy fields. One feels fully awakened to the energies of the Divine and Mother Earth, thus bringing about an enlightened state of joy and divine bliss.
Sauralite Azeztulite has a feminine, nurturing energy that allows one to release negative emotions such as fear and grief, and become open to the energies of joy, enabling one to forgive oneself and others.
All Sauralite Azeztulite crystals sold by us are genuine and will be accompanied by a valid certificate of authenticity.
Our Azeztulite stocks include North Carolina and Vermont Azezulite, Sanda Rosa Azeztulite, Rhodazez Pink Azeztulite, Golden Aura Azeztulite, Himalaya Gold Azeztulite, Himalaya Red Azeztulite, Himalaya Red Gold Azeztulite, Satyaloka Azeztulite, Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite, Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite, Sauralite Azeztulite and Golden Azeztulite. Please click on one of these links for more details.